CENTEGIX CrisisAlert™

Wearable Mobile Panic Button
for Rapid Incident Response

Push button. Help comes.®

Centegix Badge

CENTEGIX CrisisAlert™

Wearable Mobile Panic Button
for Rapid Incident Response

Push button. Help comes.®
Centegix Badge

Saving Seconds Saves Lives

In an emergency, getting help to the right location quickly can be the difference between a positive and negative outcome.

With our CrisisAlert™ wearable panic button, staff can quickly and discreetly request help to their exact location. Because in a crisis, every second matters.

Every. Second. Matters.®

Adverse situations can happen at any momentfrom everyday crises such as medical emergencies, severe weather, and physical altercations to extreme situations that threaten your entire campus.

The faster you get help to the right location, the better the outcome.

Response to a medical emergency

Saving Seconds Saves Lives

In an emergencgy, getting help to the right location quickly can be the difference between a positive and negative outcome.

With our CrisisAlert™ wearable panic button, staff can quickly and discreetly request help to their exact location. Because in a crisis, every second matters.

Every. Second. Matters.®

Response to a medical emergency

Adverse situations can happen at any momentfrom everyday crises such as medical emergencies, severe weather, and physical altercations to extreme situations that threaten your entire campus.

The faster you get help to the right location, the better the outcome.

Help Right When and Where You Need It

Two types of panic alerts keep everyone safe.

CENTEGIX CrisisAlert is the only wearable mobile panic button that empowers staff to get help instantly in an emergency. With the push of a button, users discreetly alert responders in seconds with precise incident location details.

CrisisAlert garners 100% adoption because every staff member has a badge that makes it accessible and easy to use. 

Staff Alert: A single-button activation alerts local responders and administrators immediately of an “I need help incident,” displaying a map showing who needs help and where they’re located on campus.

Campus-wide Alert: Your staff can instantly initiate a campus-wide rapid response to emergencies. This type of alert:

• Goes directly to first responders and local administrators notifying them of who needs help and where they are located.

• Activates full audio and visual communication campus-wide so everyone knows the campus is under threat and can get to safety as soon as possible.

• Notifies 911 dispatch with precise location details (optional configuration)

CrisisAlert garners 100% adoption because every staff member has a badge that makes it accessible and easy to use. 

Staff Alert: A single-button activation alerts local responders and administrators immediately of an “I need help incident,” displaying a map showing who needs help and where they’re located on campus.

Campus-wide Alert: Your staff can instantly initiate a campus-wide rapid response to emergencies. This type of alert:

• Goes directly to first responders and local administrators notifying them of who needs help and where they are located.

• Activates full audio and visual communication campus-wide so everyone knows the campus is under threat and can get to safety as soon as possible.

• Notifies 911 dispatch with precise location details *optional configuration

CrisisAlert™ Badge

Safety Front and Center with CrisisAlert Wearable Mobile Panic Button

One-button activation

The CrisisAlert wearable badge has a single button, enabling discreet, quick human action in any emergency. Stay focused on the situation knowing help is on the way.

Immediate Notification icon

Immediate notification

With a push of a button, the safety alert instantly reaches administrators and responders, displaying a map of who needs help and where they are located. No delay, no valuable seconds lost.

Total Property Coverage icon

Total facility coverage

The private, managed networks cover every square foot of your campus—the CrisisAlert badge functions everywhere. No matter where you are, your badge will sent the alert. No Wi-Fi or cell signal needed.

Location Accuracy icon

Location accuracy

Our innovative technology provides specific location details, down to an individual floor and room, so first responders know exactly where their help is needed.

Audio Visual Notifications icons

Audio and visual notification

Campus-wide alerts communicate emergency information using colored strobe lights, desktop alerts, and intercom and mass communication integrations.

Ease of Installation icon

Ease of installation

Installation is wire-free. There are no alterations to the physical structures or electrical wiring.

Centegix solutions

Robust data and analytics

Access usage and alert data for actionable insights to understand how to best support your staff in emergency situations.

Protect your people with CrisisAlert and Centegix

Alert management

CrisisAlert Responder Application allows administrators to quickly manage and monitor an emergency event as it’s unfolding, providing alert notification and activation functionality, along with crisis management capability.

Don’t Just Take It From Us.
Hear From Our Users.


say it’s easy to use the CrisisAlert wearable


say CrisisAlert helps them feel safe and supported as a staff member


say using the wearable badge empowers them to rapidly resolve situations


recommend CrisisAlert to others

Saving Lives with a Push of a Button

Mia Santiago, a student of Dunbar High School, experienced a medical emergency during class. Her teacher activated an alert with her CrisisAlert badge to get help immediately and saved Mia’s life.

Rewarded with Retention

Give your staff a sense of safety and they’ll give you their loyalty.

Prioritize the safety of your staff and be rewarded with a staff that
feels empowered, trusted, confident, and focused on doing the best
job they can do.

Empowered with a wearable mobile panic button that’s always with them wherever they go.

Trusted with the responsibility of safety for themselves and others.

Confident to respond quickly in every situation.

Peace of mind knowing that with a push of a button, help comes immediately.

Empowered with a wearable mobile panic button that’s always with them wherever they go.

Trusted with the responsibility of safety for themselves and others.

Confident to respond quickly in every situation.

Peace of mind knowing that with a push of a button, help comes immediately.

It all adds up to a more productive and loyal team.

We call it a force multiplier: putting this technology in the hands of more than 25,000 employees gives me 25,000 sets of eyes to help keep the campus safe.


Chief John Newman

Director of Safety and Security, Hillsborough County Public Schools, FL

It empowers teachers to be in control of the safety of their room. They can summon a principal at the push of a button. We know where and we know who. That is a powerful technology.


Trent North

Superintendent, Douglas County Public Schools, GA

During the school’s homecoming dance, a student became ill and passed out on the floor. A nearby student got my attention and I used the badge to signal for assistance. The dance was very loud and well attended, so the badge made it possible to get more help to the location sooner. The couple of times I have needed quick assistance over the past few years, it has worked well.

High school teacher in GA

CrisisAlert™ is Integral to CENTEGIX’s Layered Approach to Safety

Recognized as the Nationwide Leader in Wearable Safety Technology

Protecting schools, healthcare and government facilities, commercial businesses, and workplaces across the US.


of CrisisAlert usage helps staff with everyday emergencies


CrisisAlert badge users


alerts delivered

Empower Your Staff
with Safety

Your Questions, Answered

What is the CrisisAlert wearable mobile panic button?

The CrisisAlert wearable mobile panic button is a portable safety device that staff members wear as a badge allowing them to request help with a push of a button during emergencies.

How does the CrisisAlert wearable mobile panic button work?

When activated, the CrisisAlert wearable mobile panic button sends duress signals to pre-defined contacts, emergency responders, and other key staff, providing floor and room-level location information to send help without delay.

Why is a wearable mobile panic button preferred over an app-based solution?

Most app-based incident response and communication solutions lack functionality critical in real-world emergencies. Does everyone in danger immediately know to take action? Can your teachers and staff easily request help, even while under duress? Do responders know exactly where to go? A wearable panic button eliminates vulnerabilities related to app-only solutions and enables rapid incident response. Discover the difference.

Can I experience how the CrisisAlert badge works for myself?

Yes! We offer a demo of CrisisAlert. We’ll send you the CrisisAlert badge in the mail so you can physically touch it and see how easy it is to use. It is a demo badge and not functional. Therefore, you can press the button and experience the badge without any concern of notifying first responders. Get your demo badge today.

What are the benefits of a wearable mobile panic button as a layer of safety for my staff?

Wearable mobile panic buttons or badges offer quick access to help, faster response times, enhanced personal safety, and peace of mind so your staff can focus on what they do best.

What types of businesses benefit from a wearable mobile panic button safety solution?

Any business with a physical space, including schools, healthcare and government facilities, commercial businesses, and workplaces. CrisisAlert is the best way to ensure your staff, students, and other key personnel have access to getting help quickly when an emergency arises.

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Schools in any state can meet school safety grant funding requirements by choosing the CENTEGIX Safety Platform™. Learn more about school safety in your state.