Mobile County Public Schools Installed CrisisAlert in 29 Schools and Expanding to More
Kym Anderson – NBC 15 News:
Tonight in an NBC 15 project education, exclusive Mobile County Public Schools have a brand new alert system. It’s been installed in about one-third of Mobile County Public Schools already. NBC 15 Laura Barczewski joins us live outside Denton Middle School tonight.
Laura Barczewski – NBC 15 News:
This new CrisisAlert system is active in 29 Mobile County Public Schools and the director of security says it’s already been put to good use. The new CrisisAlert system in Mobile County Public High Schools and middle schools uses visual and audible cues to notify everyone no matter where they are of a situation or emergency that needs attention.
Andy Gatewood – Director of Security – MCPSS:
They can either ask for assistance. For instance, if there’s an ill child in the classroom or disruption of some sort to a classroom, they can ask for immediate assistance or if they were anywhere on this campus anywhere in the perimeter of this campus and they saw something that said that they determined was a reason to go into lockdown.
Laura Barczewski – NBC 15 News:
And it’s really easy to use MCPSS director of security, Andy Gatewood, says every staff member and teacher has access to the system on their person. With this new alert system, teachers can put the entire school on lockdown with the touch of a button. All they have to do is click it eight or more times, and then they’ll hear the alarm sound and lights flash. There are several different types of alerts red for lockdown, orange for secure the perimeter, Blue for secure your area, gray or white for evacuation and green, for all clear attention, along with flashing lights and Intercom alerts.
Andy Gatewood – Director of Security – MCPSS:
There’s an automatic computer takeover for every computer that is hooked to our network, whether it be a laptop or a desktop computer in the teacher’s classroom. And or actually the, the Cisco phones that are in every classroom as well, have a screen
Laura Barczewski – NBC 15 News:
Director of Communications, Rena Philips, says this system is already being put to good use when a man recently left a mental hospital without notifying officials
Rena Philips – Director of Communications – MCPSS:
Last week on advice of the Sheriff’s department, we went into what is called a secured perimeter, which means we lock the exterior doors. The students can still move around inside and change classes.
Laura Barczewski – NBC 15 News:
The alarms sounded, and once the doors were locked, everyone could go back to the reason they’re there in the first place
Andy Gatewood – Director of Security – MCPSS:
We feel as though if they’re in a building in one of our buildings and they feel safe and secure, then they’re much more likely to learn at a higher level or to instruct at a higher level. So that is important to us.
Laura Barczewski – NBC 15 News:
Next, they’ll be working to put all of this technology in the elementary schools, and then they’ll be working on hooking it up to 911 systems all over the county.

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CENTEGIX CrisisAlert vs Mobile Apps
CrisisAlert eliminates vulnerabilities related to app-only solutions and enables rapid incident response to every scenario.
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Best Practices and Key Criteria for Evaluating Emergency Alert Solutions
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