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Quick Facts
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Quick Facts About CENTEGIX
About CENTEGIX (pronounced Cen Tee Jicks)
CENTEGIX® is the industry leader in wearable safety technology for all types of workplaces. The cloud-based CENTEGIX Safety Platform™ initiates the fastest response time for emergencies, from the everyday to the extreme, anywhere on campus. Leaders nationwide trust CENTEGIX’s innovative safety solutions to empower and protect people (every day).
“CENTEGIX is making workplaces safer for millions of people,” said Brent Cobb, CEO of CENTEGIX. “Our CENTEGIX Safety Platform is accelerating response times in situations where seconds matter. It’s universally accepted that compressing the time to identify, notify and respond to an emergency is critical for positive outcomes.”
CENTEGIX CrisisAlert™ empowers staff with the fastest and easiest way to get help in an emergency. The wearable badge does not depend on Wi-Fi or cellular and is discreet and easy to use in a moment of crisis when fine motor skills are challenged. In addition, CrisisAlert includes unique capabilities not possible with other wearable panic buttons:
- Exact floor- and room-level location of the alert is delivered to responders on a digital map of the campus, displaying where help is needed
- In the event of a campus-wide emergency, full audio and visual notifications immediately communicate to inform everyone for campus-wide alerts via flashing strobes, screen takeover, and intercom messages
- Full campus coverage—the wearable badge works inside and outside buildings, including parking lots, ball fields, etc.
- Configurable alert types, responder types, protocol development, and user management are easily managed through an interactive, intuitive web interface
- Direct connection to 911 and local public safety
- Fast and simple installation process that requires no alterations to physical structures or electrical wiring
Who does CENTEGIX Protect?
More than 600,000 people wear a CENTEGIX CrisisAlert badge everyday. CENTEGIX protects over 10 million people across 12,000 locations. Additionally CENTEGIX customers are
- In 43 states
- Among four of the 10 largest and 20 of the 100 largest U.S. school districts
- 80%+ of the public schools in Georgia and Nevada, 35%+ of Florida public schools, 25%+ of Alabama public schools, and 20%+ of New Mexico public schools
How does the Technology work?
One Badge, Two Types of Alerts
CENTEGIX CrisisAlert is wearable mobile panic button technology that empowers staff to get help instantly in an emergency. With the push of a button, users discreetly alert responders in seconds with precise incident location details.
The primary use of the system is a Level I staff alert – which is a personal request for help by a teacher or staff member to handle day-to-day incidents like medical or behavioral issues.
Staff Alert (Level I):
The single-button activation alerts local responders and administrators immediately of an “I need help” incident displaying a map showing who has sent the alert and where they’re located on campus. The notification is sent just to onsite responders with the floor and room level location information for the person requesting help.
Campus-wide Alert (Level II):
Single button, Any staff member can instantly initiate a campus-wide rapid response to emergencies. This type of alert:
- Direct communication to responders
The system immediately notifies onsite and offsite first responders with floor and room level location of the person who activated the alert in real-time including displaying the alert on a detailed map of the facility/location. - Activates full audio and visual communication campus-wide so everyone knows the campus is under threat and can get to safety as soon as possible. Level II campus wide alert immediately notifies everyone in the building through strobes, computer screen takeover, and intercom takeover with safety protocol instructions (like get behind a locked door/hard surface).
- Notifies 911 dispatch with precise location details
This removes critical minutes in the response that traditional phone and voice based alerting mechanisms/systems use.
Video Overviews
Safety Blueprint™
Safety Platform™
Enhanced Visitor Management