Alyssa’s Law Updates

Alyssa’s Law Updates

Alyssa’s Law is gaining momentum across the U.S. This legislation aims to accelerate law enforcement response time when a life-threatening emergency occurs on a school campus. The law requires that schools integrate silent panic alarms into their school safety plans,...
How to Test Your School’s Emergency Response Plan

How to Test Your School’s Emergency Response Plan

School safety has become an important point of discussion for Americans. A safe school environment is crucial for healthy academic and social development. Research confirms that students’ perception of safety is directly related to their academic achievement. When...
How SB 240 Will Impact Texas Healthcare Facilities

How SB 240 Will Impact Texas Healthcare Facilities

98% of Texas hospitals recently reported that workplace violence has increased or stayed constant in the last three years. Texas lawmakers have responded to the rise in violence against healthcare professionals by passing Senate Bill 240. SB 240 is the result of a...
How Investing in Safety Can Improve Staffing in Healthcare

How Investing in Safety Can Improve Staffing in Healthcare

The current healthcare staffing crisis creates a vicious cycle. Without adequate staff, incidents of violence in healthcare are more likely to occur and more likely to result in harm to all parties involved. The stress that stems from inadequate support causes many...