CENTEGIX | Education

Iowa School Safety Standards

CENTEGIX | Education

Iowa School Safety Standards

School Safety Improvement Funding

In June 2022, Gov. Reynolds announced $100 million in school safety funding to support Iowa’s 327 public school districts and 183 nonpublic and independent schools during a press conference with the Department of Public Safety, Department of Education, and the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

This dedicated new funding will provide vulnerability risk assessments free of charge for all 1,500 K-12 school buildings in the state and create a School Safety Improvement Fund, making up to $50,000 available per school building to implement recommended safety measures. School districts can combine these funds with their ESSER funding allocations to cover additional costs to implement safety improvements. 

The funding also builds upon the foundation of the Governor’s School Safety Bureau to support all schools and law enforcement partners with prevention, training, and response strategies. A portion of the funding will be utilized to implement technology and tools, including proactive social media scanning software, an anonymous reporting tool, digital critical incident mapping, and specialized training.

Program Objectives

As a response to the increase in mass shootings exacerbated by the pandemic, the State of Iowa has designed this program as a proportional response to the harm experienced. This program addresses the overall pandemic trend of increased mass shootings, and more specifically school shootings.

This program allows schools to perform security assessments in concert with local authorities and assist the schools in creating and improving school security plans; as well as invest in minor capital improvements for security enhancements from one or more of the six categories identified as eligible minor capital improvements.

The six categories of eligible minor capital improvements are:

    1. entry control
    2. electronic security and communication systems
    3. barriers
    4. perimeter security
    5. illumination
    6. building envelope


Minor capital improvements include but are not limited to:

      • Locks
      • ID actuated systems
      • Duress alarms
      • Intrusion detection systems
      • Radios
      • Mass notification systems


Maximum Award Determination and Eligible Buildings

What is the maximum award that each school district or nonpublic school is eligible to receive?

For the purposes of this grant, the maximum amount of funds that a school district or a nonpublic school is eligible to receive is based on total school building count multiplied by $50,000 (e.g., three buildings will generate $150,000 in grant funds). The budget for the school safety improvement grant was based on the 2021-2022 building count as reported by each district/system in the 2021-2022 BEDS (Basic Educational Data Survey).

Are the school safety improvement grant funds restricted to the school buildings included in the 2021-2022 building count?

Security improvements on any eligible school building, as defined by the program’s policy, could be eligible for reimbursement (up to the maximum possible award) if the use of funds addresses a security issue identified in the school’s vulnerability assessment.

How is a school building defined?

Per the definitions of school buildings and attendance centers found in Iowa Administrative Code 281-14.3 and 281-17.2, respectively: “Any public or non-public attendance center containing classrooms used for instructional purposes for pre-school, elementary, middle, or secondary school students.” This does NOT include community partner preschools.

Eligibility for Capital Improvement Funding

1. To be eligible to apply for School Safety Improvement funding, a current vulnerability assessment is required. Upon completion of a vulnerability assessment(s), school districts (public and private) may apply for the School Safety Improvement grant funding.

2. The school district must be listed on the 2021-2022 BEDS report, which is used to determine the maximum school safety grant award amount per school district.

3. Proof of appropriate coordination and necessary approval from the State Fire Marshal or the School District’s local fire inspector prior to installation of minor capital improvements and/or other associated security enhancements or modifications will be required to be eligible for reimbursement under this subaward. [Documentation providing proof of this compliance is required as part of the reimbursement request.]

Vulnerability Assessment Requirements

A copy of a valid vulnerability assessment and/or other documentation must be submitted as part of the completed application and meet the following requirements:

  • Must include defined vulnerabilities and options for consideration to mitigate vulnerabilities
  • Any vulnerability assessments completed prior to the application cannot be more than 3 years old

A vulnerability assessment must be completed by one of the three options listed below:

  • Assessment by the State of Iowa and/or the State of Iowa contracted 3rd party entity
  • Assessment by Law Enforcement
  • Assessment by Vulnerability Assessment Services Providers (Contracting with a VASP will not be a reimbursable expense; a vulnerability assessment completed utilizing a school self-assessment tool or VASP other than the State of Iowa and/or the State of Iowa contracted 3rd party entity will be required to have an official letter from local law enforcement validating the vulnerabilities and options for consideration identified from the self-assessment.)

Superintendents and head nonpublic school administrators can request an assessment through the School Safety Vulnerability Assessment Survey, located in the Other folder on the main Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA) dashboard.

Each school district and nonpublic school that requests a vulnerability assessment through the CASA survey will be contacted via phone by the State of Iowa’s third-party contracted entity, Tetra Tech, to establish communications. Once initial contact has been made, Tetra Tech will work with the point of contact at each district and nonpublic school to schedule their vulnerability assessments.

Key Dates and Timelines

S E P T E M B E R  1 ,  2 0 2 4 : Notice of Interest Submission Due Date

O C T O B E R  1 ,  2 0 2 4 : School Safety Capital Improvement Grants Application Due Date

D E C E M B E R  3 1 ,  2 0 2 4 : End of School Safety Grant Period of Performance

  • The period of performance begins at the time of receipt of the approved subaward documentation and ends on December 31, 2024.
  • All costs incurred prior to the approved subaward and after December 31, 2024, are not eligible uses of these funds.
  • All costs associated with an approved application must be incurred (obligated to pay) on or before December 31, 2024.
  • All work must be completed, and reimbursement submitted to and paid no later than December 31, 2025, or 60 days after the completion of work, whichever comes first.

Ready for Next Steps?

Preparing for Applying

The first step is to obtain a Unique Entity Identification (UEI) number, if you do not already have one. Be sure that your UEI number is publicly viewable. Request your UEI number here.

After completing the School Safety Vulnerability Assessment Survey, via the CASA System, the school district Point of Contact listed in the survey will receive the School Safety Grants Application Package via email, which contains instructions on how to register for access for the School Safety Improvements Program and the School Safety Grant Application Excel file (only school districts that respond Yes to the School Safety Improvement Grant Program question will receive a grant application). Within the EMGrants Portal, you may submit an Access Request for School Safety Improvements funding.

Application Process and Requirements

1. School districts (public and private) must indicate and provide their Notice of Interest (NOI) in the School Safety Improvement grant funding opportunity through completion of the “School Safety Improvement Funding NOI” survey in the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA) system. The survey is located in the “Other” folder on the main CASA dashboard.

2. Once a school district (public and private) has indicated their notice of interest via the survey, the grant application and instructions will be provided, via email, to the school district’s point of contact designated within their survey response.

3. Verify that the current vulnerability assessment is completed for each school building for which funds are being sought. Vulnerability assessments must include defined vulnerabilities, options for consideration to mitigate vulnerabilities, and meet all other state vulnerability assessment requirements.

4. Submit the completed Excel application and signed documents via upload into the EMGrants portal.

CENTEGIX Safety Report

2024 School Safety Trends: Saving Seconds Saves Lives

Discover our latest, comprehensive analysis of school safety incidents gathered from the CENTEGIX Safety Platform™ usage data for the 2023-2024 school year in our report 2024 School Safety Trends: Saving Seconds Saves Lives.

See what else our safety report reveals regarding safety in the classroom, state safety legislation, and critical components of school safety solutions. Download your copy today.

How Are Your Resources Being Spent?

CENTEGIX protects over 11,500 schools across the country. We can protect your school, too.

The CENTEGIX Safety Platform™, featuring CrisisAlert™, accelerates your response to emergencies. We’ve built the CENTEGIX Safety Platform to support you in the single most critical factor of incident response: time. Because in an emergency, every second matters.

Discover federal resources to fund new safety and security initiatives in your district by exploring federal funding resources for school safety.


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The Associated Press horizontal logo in color.
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CENTEGIX and AEA Purchasing

AEA Purchasing is an initiative of the Iowa Association of Area Education Agencies (IAAEA). Their goal is to combine the purchasing power of Iowa schools to offer aggressive pricing on materials, goods and services through a competitive bid process.

AEA Purchasing is also a participating member of the Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA). AEPA is a non-profit, multi-state purchasing organization that enables schools of all sizes to purchase at equal buying levels. Being a part of this unique group allows their eligible clients in Iowa to benefit from reduced pricing from national vendors. Contracts are “nationally bid…locally awarded.”

CENTEGIX is proud to be a vendor partner of AEA Purchasing. Learn more here.

The Safety Platform™ Meets Grant-Funded Safety Measures

The CENTEGIX Safety Platform is an emergency incident response safety system that features wearable panic buttons, digital mapping software, and reunification and visitor management capabilities and generates accurate, usable data. The Safety Platform solution uses visual strobes, digital messages, and automated intercom announcements to inform everyone of a campus-wide incident and to instruct them on actions they should take. The Safety Platform meets the security infrastructure needs the Iowa school safety grants aim to address.

The Safety Platform features an analytics dashboard that assists administrators as they make safety and security decisions. A data set is generated when a staff member uses their wearable badge to request assistance. Administrators can better understand where and why and under what conditions. These administrative decisions, enabled by Platform data, contribute to the “positive and safe climate” that the safety grants aim to foster. 

The CENTEGIX school safety platform provides robust and uninterrupted communication between staff members, administrators, first responders, and students. Unlike other emergency incident response systems, the Safety Platform’s technology precludes adoption and connectivity challenges. It runs on a dedicated IoT network; it’s not susceptible to Wi-Fi or cellular connectivity interruptions. And because the CrisisAlert mobile panic button is worn along with an ID badge, 100% of staff members use it. This high adoption rate means that every staff member at every location on campus can request help when they need it. CrisisAlert generates accurate location data for every alert, no matter where on campus. Therefore first responders know exactly where to go during an emergency. In many instances, this kind of rapid response can prevent tragedy. 

These critical features of the CrisisAlert badge and Safety Blueprint from CENTEGIX ensure an immediate response: 

    Desktop takeover notifications for staff mean campus-wide alerts are never missed.

    Location accuracy enables rapid response.

    The system immediately connects the parties best prepared to handle the situation.

    Wi-Fi and phone outages have no effect on the system.

    Wearable security badges are easily accessible, lightweight, and wearable.

    CENTEGIX Safety Platform can help school districts and LEAs enact these measures, making students and staff safer. The Safety platform school safety solution helps create a climate of safety by enabling staff members to request help immediately, from anywhere on campus, in any type of emergency. Under these conditions, teachers can focus on student needs, and students can focus on learning. 

    CENTEGIX is the leader in incident response solutions. Our Safety Platform is the fastest and easiest way for staff to request help in any emergency, from the everyday to the extreme. CENTEGIX creates safer spaces by innovating technology to empower and protect people, and leaders nationwide trust our safety solutions to provide peace of mind. 

    Discover the Safety Platform

    Safety solutions that prioritize speed for the best outcome.

    One Button Activation icon
    A wearable mobile panic button quickly and discreetly initiates alerts.
    Location Accuracy icon

    Mapping and locating capabilities provide the precise locationof emergencies, visitors, and safety assets.

    Audio Visual Notifications icons
    Audiovisual notifications notify everyone rapidly of a crisis.
    One Button Activation icon

    A visitor management system screens and locates visitors on your campus.

    One Button Activation icon

    Protocol development to plan for rapid incident response.

    One Button Activation icon
    A private, managed network provides campus-wide coverage.
    One Button Activation icon
    Integrations to your existing safety assets to extend their capabilities.

    CENTEGIX CrisisAlert vs. Mobile Apps

    CrisisAlert eliminates vulnerabilities related to app-only solutions and enables rapid incident response to all emergencies.

    In an Emergency, You Need CrisisAlert™

    Adverse situations can happen at any moment—from everyday crises such as medical emergencies, severe weather, and physical altercations to extreme situations that threaten your entire campus. The faster you get help to the right location, the better the outcome.

    See how our CrisisAlert wearable mobile panic button empowers staff to get help instantly in an emergency. 

    Ready to Connect with a CENTEGIX Specialist to Learn More?

    Matthew Young

    Midwest Regional Sales VP

    Phone: 586-713-7513


    Gary Kughn

    Regional Sales Director

    Phone: 810-531-1658


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    *By providing my phone number to CENTEGIX, I agree and acknowledge that CENTEGIX may send text messages to my wireless phone number for any purpose. Message and data rates may apply. CENTEGIX will only send one SMS as a reply, and I will be able to Opt-out by replying “STOP”. **No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.*

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