CENTEGX | Report

2024 National Educator Survey Report: School Safety Data Findings and Insight


2024 National Educator Survey Report: School Safety Data Findings and Insight

Our 2024 National Educator Survey Report includes findings from a nationwide survey of 530 K-12 educators and administrators that bring attention to the critical issue of school safety, including the pervasive concerns surrounding staff safety, recruitment, retention, and their impact on student learning and well-being.

The survey findings highlight the importance of creating safe school environments that empower staff to be part of initiating a safety response protocol for any and all emergency situations. 

Key findings of the report include: 

    School safety directly impacts student achievement and well-being

      ☑️   84% affirm that school safety directly impacts student achievement

      ☑️   56% report that they lose 2+ hours of instructional time each week due to addressing incidents

    School safety is a key factor in educator retention and recruitment

      ☑️   77% believe school safety significantly impacts staff retention and recruitment

      ☑️   45% have considered leaving or left their job due to feeling unsafe

    Personal safety and emergency preparedness are top-of-mind for educators

      ☑️   80% regularly think of their own physical safety when at work

      ☑️   74% don’t feel fully supported by their employer to handle emergency incidents

    Download the report to get the full survey results, as well as actionable insights for K-12 districts seeking to enhance their school safety and security.

    Download the Report

    survey report thumbnail

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