CENTEGIX | Education

Maryland School Safety Standards

CENTEGIX | Education

Maryland School Safety Standards

School Mapping Data Requirements: Navigating HB 0472 with Confidence | CENTEGIX Webinar

Get valuable insights on Maryland’s HB 0472 and school safety in our exclusive webinar featuring Sylvia Ifft, Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs at CENTEGIX® and a leading expert on school safety policy and implementation.

In this webinar, you’ll gain the knowledge and tools you need to:

  • Understand the key components of HB 0472 and ensure your district is compliant
  • Learn best practices for dynamic campus mapping and emergency response
  • Explore CENTEGIX’s Safety Blueprint™ solution and how it can empower your school

Don’t let your district get left behind. Watch our webinar today.

Maryland HB 0472: School Mapping Data Program

Passed on March 29, 2024, Maryland HB 0472 funds critical incident mapping technology in schools. This legislation establishes a School Mapping Data Program to provide funds to local school systems for school mapping data. The purpose of these maps is to assist first responders in responding to emergencies in schools.

In 2020 the legislature allocated an annual appropriation of $10 million for the purpose of providing supplemental funding to assist local school systems meet compliance with school safety requirements.

Local school system are to consult with local law enforcement when submitting applications for safe school funds.

School Mapping Data Minimum Requirements

The law’s facility mapping data requirements shall, at minimum, include:

Data be in an electronic or digital format to assist first responders in responding to emergencies at a school

Be verified for accuracy by a walkthrough of the school buildings and grounds

Be in a printable format if requested be in a digital file format that can be integrated into interactive mobile platforms

Contain site specific labeling that matches the school grounds including parking areas, athletic fields, surrounding roads, and neighboring properties

Be compatible with software platforms used by the school and local and state and federal public safety agencies that provide emergency services to the school without requiring the purchase of additional software or charging a fee to view or access the data

Contains site specific labeling that matches the structure of the school buildings including room labels, hallways names, external door or stairwell numbers, locations of hazards, critical utility boxes, key boxes, and automated external defibrillators and trauma kits

Be overlaid on current aerial imagery

Be oriented true north

Be overlaid with gridded XY coordinates

CENTEGIX Meets and Exceeds Mapping Data Requirements

CENTEGIX Safety Blueprint™ fulfills all mapping data requirements outlined above.

Real-time access for schools and first responder agencies through our secure web interface

Locating and tagging of critical assets and areas on the school’s Safety Blueprint maps

Integrate mapping data with technologies used by response agencies and real-time crime centers

Supports rapid incident response, visitor management, and reunification

Securely share emergency response maps digitally with local public safety agencies, or print them out

Interactive map labels that can be added or updated at any time 24/7/365

No special software required to access Safety Blueprint

True north orientation, standard for any modern mapping technology, including Safety Blueprint

24 of the most common core critical safety assets such as descriptions, expiration dates, IP addresses, photographs, and more

Enhanced options available that include over 70 safety, security, information technology, and facilities assets

Map views that can be toggled between a street view or aerial imagery view that show the area surrounding the building

All maps pre-loaded with an XY grid to assist first responder agencies with coordinating a unified response and identifying precise locations on the map

Utilize for safety planning and risk management activities including continuous, real-time verification and updates of critical assets and areas as changes are made during site walk-throughs anytime 24/7/365

Why Should You Choose CENTEGIX Safety Blueprint for Dynamic Digital Mapping? Here are 10 Reasons.

Maryland HB 0472 funds critical incident mapping technology in schools. Using dynamic mapping capabilities to improve safety planning, incident response, situational awareness, and communication, CENTEGIX Safety Blueprint can help your district comply with HB 0472.

Download our checklist to make sure you choose the most effective digital mapping solution for your district.

    FL HB301 Checklist Thumbnail

    Maryland School Safety Grant Program

    The Maryland School Safety Grant Program funds long-term capital facility improvements that focus on improving school safety plans. Funded projects include:

    Panic buttons

    Proximity card readers

    Door monitoring systems

    New security systems

    Metal detectors

    Installation of card access systems

    Access control systems, including safety/security stations

    Door improvement and replacement and door intercoms

    Other security and safety projects as identified by the local school system (LSS)

    Wayfinding signage and campus fencing

    Does Your School Safety Solution Comply with HB 0472, Maryland’s School Mapping Data Program?

    Passed on March 29, 2024, Maryland HB 0472 funds critical incident mapping technology in schools. This legislation establishes a School Mapping Data Program to provide funds to local school systems for school mapping data. The purpose of these maps is to assist first responders in responding to emergencies in schools.

    Download our guide to learn more about how Maryland districts can achieve HB 0472 funding compliance with our CENTEGIX Safety Blueprint™ critical incident mapping solution.

      FL HB301 Checklist Thumbnail

      The CENTEGIX Safety Platform: Creating a Culture of Safety

      CENTEGIX solutions create the foundation for a culture of safety that prioritizes staff and students’ security and well-being. The following features of the CENTEGIX Safety Platform make it an effective Maryland school safety solution:

      Reliable communication: no Wi-Fi or cellular connectivity is required.

      Ease of adoption: staff is not required to download or learn to use an app.

      Rapid access to first responders: staff can connect immediately to diverse emergency services.

      Communication in emergencies: first responder agencies can coordinate in real time.

      Instant alerts: integration with local public safety answering points facilitates 911 calls and mobile notifications.

      Federal Funding for Maryland School Safety Solutions

      Stronger Connections Grant

      In late 2022, the U.S. Department of Education passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), through which nearly $1 billion in awards would be distributed to America’s schools. Under this legislation, the Stronger Connections Grant Program was created. These grants aim to ensure Maryland students’ academic success by creating safe and supportive learning opportunities and environments. Maryland was awarded $16,990,815 through this program.

      The BCSA empowers state educational agencies (SEAs) to develop grant programs supporting safer and healthier learning environments. The BSCA specifies that SEAs must award these funds competitively to high-need LEAs, as determined by the state. 

      This grant specifies that awardees must foster sustained engagement, attachment, and learning for Maryland students. The Stronger Connections Grant Program mandates schools to focus on becoming more resilient, supporting mental health, and improving school climate.

      According to the Department of Education, schools should invest in Stronger Connections Grant Program funding in the following efforts:

      • implementing evidence-based strategies that support students’ social, emotional, and mental well-being needs 
      • creating inclusive, positive, and supportive school environments
      • improving accessibility of behavioral interventions and services
      • involving students, families, educators, staff, and community organizations in implementing strategies to create safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environments
      • developing policies and practices responsive to underserved students that demonstrate respect for student dignity and potential

      Eligible spending includes hiring counselors and nurses, increasing staff training on behavioral interventions and inclusion, increasing access to mental health services, and other related efforts to create a positive and supportive climate in Maryland schools.

      ESSER Funds

      As part of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds were made available to address the pandemic’s impact on student safety and mental well-being. Maryland was awarded $3,029,144,388 in ESSER funds.

      For the first round of ESSER grants, Maryland was allocated $207,834,058.

      The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (ESSER II) was passed in 2020. Maryland’s ESSER II allocation was $868,771,243.

      An additional round of funding was made available as part of the American Rescue Plan. Maryland’s portion of those ESSER funds is approximately $1,952,539,087, and the obligation deadline is Sept. 30, 2024.

      COPS School Violence Prevention Program

      The U.S. Department of Justice oversees the COPS School Violence Prevention Program, which distributes funding for evidence-based school safety programs and technologies. School safety solutions that help identify potential dangers are eligible for COPS funding. Districts can also use funds to improve emergency notification and response systems, including Maryland school alert systems. To learn more, visit the COPS website.

      BJA’s STOP School Violence Program

      The U.S. Department of Justice has also made funds available through the Bureau of Justice Assistance. BJA’s STOP School Violence Program funds the purchase of school safety software designed to help K-12 schools maintain a safe environment. This program’s priorities are recognizing, responding to, and preventing violence on campus. BJA will allocate $82 million to STOP School Violence Program competitive grants in fiscal year 2024.

      CENTEGIX Safety Report

      2024 School Safety Trends: Saving Seconds Saves Lives

      Discover our latest, comprehensive analysis of school safety incidents gathered from the CENTEGIX Safety Platform™ usage data for the 2023-2024 school year in our report 2024 School Safety Trends: Saving Seconds Saves Lives.

      See what our safety report reveals regarding safety in the classroom, state safety legislation, and critical components of school safety solutions. Download your copy today.

      Hear from Our Educators

      We engage with teachers and staff every day to understand how CrisisAlert supports them, and here’s what they’ve shared:

      The 1st time I used it for a student defiant behavior. The lead teacher was absent that day and our classroom phone was not working for us to call the front office. The 2nd time it was a fight during dismissal on the school bus. I feel everyone should have this device because it cutdown the time for help to come, it gives location and the name of the person who needs help. This device should be a safety measure for every company in the US.

      Elementary school teacher, TX

      A student passed out in my classroom. I was able to use the CrisisAlert badge to quickly summon the nurse, principal, and assistant principal to my classroom to provide assistance. The badge was on my lanyard so I did not have to leave the student’s side to access the phone for assistance. Help was immediately notified, and they were able to quickly get to my classroom to offer assistance.

      Elementary school teacher, KY

      I have used my badge to call for help multiple times, for a student having seizures, and violent behaviors from a student. I have raved and recommended this system to others that work in different school districts. this button makes me feel safe and ready to help in emergency situations. I also have a daughter here at Ike and I am thankful for all staff having their Centegix button ready in an emergency!

      High school teacher, WA

      Championing Safe Schools with Educators and Educator Associations

      Douglas County Schools
      Clark County School District Logo
      Yakima School District, WA, color logo
      Little Rock School District Logo

      CENTEGIX CrisisAlert vs. Mobile Apps

      CrisisAlert eliminates vulnerabilities related to app-only solutions and enables rapid incident response to all emergencies.

      In an Emergency, You Need CrisisAlert™

      Adverse situations can happen at any moment—from everyday crises such as medical emergencies, severe weather, and physical altercations to extreme situations that threaten your entire campus. The faster you get help to the right location, the better the outcome.

      See how our CrisisAlert wearable mobile panic button empowers staff to get help instantly in an emergency. 

      Ready to Connect with a CENTEGIX Specialist to Learn More?

      John Marchei

      Regional Vice President

      Phone: 401-269-9826


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      School Safety Standards by State

      Schools in any state can meet school safety grant funding requirements by choosing the CENTEGIX Safety Platform™. Learn more about school safety in your state.