Life-Saving Stories | CENTEGIX Case Study

Life-Saving Stories | CENTEGIX Case Study

CENTEGIX | Case Study Life-Saving Stories: Responding Rapidly to Medical Emergencies with the CENTEGIX Safety Platform™ CENTEGIX | Case Study Life-Saving Stories: Responding Rapidly to Medical Emergencies with the CENTEGIX Safety Platform™ In a Medical Emergency,...
Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Why CENTEGIX® Matters: Customer Testimonials Hear from our customers about how our safety solutions make a difference in their communities. Schedule a demo Why CENTEGIX® Matters: Customer Testimonials Hear from our customers about how our safety solutions make a...
CASE STUDY: Hospitality – Medical Emergency

CASE STUDY: Hospitality – Medical Emergency

CENTEGIX | Case Study Hospitality Medical Emergency CENTEGIX | Case Study Hospitality Medical Emergency Background Hotel chains around the world are taking additional measures to ensure the safety of both guests and staff members. Incident notification systems,...
CASE STUDY: Hospitality – Disorderly Guest

CASE STUDY: Hospitality – Disorderly Guest

CENTEGIX | Case Study Hospitality Disorderly Guest CENTEGIX | Case Study Hospitality Disorderly Guest Background Hotel chains around the world are taking additional measures to ensure the safety of both guests and staff members. Incident notification systems, designed...